Teacher-Driven Learning Management System
Teachers Access and Collaborate Nationwide
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All Essential Activity and Resource Tools
More Interactive Activities with H5P
Turn any video into an interactive activity with auto-grading and instant feedback.
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Full Control of Organization for Comprehensive
and Mastery Learning
Pre-set and Customizable Enrollment Setup based on Grade Levels
Ready-to-Use and Customizable Gradebook Setup based on Your District Elementary School's Grade Report and Standards
Comprehensive Grader Reports
Ready-to-Use and Customizable Gradebook Setup based on Your District Middle and High School's Grade Report and Standards
Many More Acitivities, Features, and Strategies
So Effective, We Have Teachers Paying For It With Their Own Money, Year after Year.
"SLEEDU allows students to have access to rigor and is flexible for students that may have chronic absences in that it allows the teacher to upload lecture videos. It allows teachers to easily view commonly missed questions and use that data to re-teach the concept/skill. When creating review, we can upload an example above each problem. If a student is getting stuck on independent practice we can upload a video hint to help guide them. This program deters cheating and provides meaningful data for parent-teacher conferences, and PLC department meetings." - 9th Grade Integrated Math & 10th Grade Integrated Math
"I have been using SLEEDU for almost 3 years. This is an online platform we use as a way to present lessons, examples, math videos and assessments. I find this platform useful since I can break down math problems to show step by step and students are also able to show step by step of how they are solving each problem making a bit easier for students to comprehend multi-step math problems Students benefit using this structure way of solving math problems.
Not only can we use this platform to present the math material, but it also auto grades each answer they enter. Students will have immediate feedback if they are getting the answers correct or not. This will allow students to take accountability of their grades since this platform shows their scores as they are submitting assignments in and shows most updated grade. The math grade is not a surprise to any student or parent at the end of a quarter/semester since they are told since day 1 how to check grades using this online platform. This online platform is a great resource for students and teachers all around" --7th Grade Math
"I have been using SLEEDU for the past 3 years and it has allow me to expose my students to an enormous array of challenging math problems. The success of this programs allows me to break down problems step by step to built understanding and scaffolding. This allows for students to become accountable in their academic progress and depths their conceptual understanding."--7th Math Teacher
"Sleedu has proven to be a very beneficial platform to use for both students and teachers. Students have the opportunity to practice Math problems that are broken down step by step and not just type in answers. Students also get to see if they missed the problem given instant feedback right away. Students get to reflect and fix problem to make correction. The opportunity to reflect on their mistakes is a great aspect in the process of student learning. Students also become accountable of their grade. Students know exactly their grade day by day with the assignments that they are completing in this platform. They know that in order to improve their grade, they need to complete the work on this platform. The bank of questions that we have created in this platform can be reused over and over for example during our warm ups. The exposure and repetition of the same type of problems makes it easier for students to comprehend and understand. Students feel more confident and tend to perform better in this type of setting. As for teachers, the accountability of the points added quickly makes it easier during grading. It gives us the opportunity to see who are the students who are falling behind right away. We can work with these students, help them without adding more stress to the teacher, and communicate effectively with parents with what needs to be done in order for student to be successful. Sleedu has proven to be a great platform and keeps all of work organized." --8th Grade Math