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Pricing: $12- $18 per Pouch | 1 Yr. Unlimited Repair Warranty |

Washable and Repairable | Low-Cost Extended Warranty & Repair

We price them so low that we cannot afford a full-time employee

— Very Limited Supply!

All orders are processed on a first-come, first-served basis upon receiving a Purchase Order or other payment.

Rollout Timeline
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5 Reasons School Chose Multi-Tieres Safe Pouch ®

  1. Affordable and Sustainable: Low-cost, one-time purchase with a 1-year unlimited free repair warranty. Optional low-cost extended warranty or repair services are also available.

  2. Multi-Tiered Mobile Unlocking Magnets: Allow accommodations and provide quick access during emergencies.

  3. No Ordering or Implementation Requirements: Flexible to fit any school's budget, needs, and demographics.

  4. Environmentally Friendly: Patented design minimizes waste, with multiple repair options available to further reduce environmental impact.

  5. Invented and Provided by Teachers for Educators: We price them so low what we cannot afford an employee. 

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